Back to school night was Thursday, and let me tell you it was one of the busiest days of my life, I arrived at school at about 3 in the afternoon, started decorate, getting everything in order, and talk to student council about the skit, and other such thing for the upcoming night. The
first orientation started at 5:30 for Freshman and Sophomores. It was incredible to see all the new faces, and even some of the old. I was so happy to see some of the old freshman returning and enjoying the school as much as we did. After Mr. Fowler spoke to the audience, Student Council put on our all famous, Dress Code Skit, It was a mixture of television shows and dress code violations to teach the kids about whats good and what should never be worn. It was super fun, Me and Victoria were "What not to Wear" host and I really got a kick out of acting. After the assembly was over, We gave tours to new students and sold all of our cool new Tuacahn apparel and merchandise. Then just as fast as the first assembly got over, the second one for Juniors and Seniors came, where we had to perform our skit once more, and yet again give more tours once it was over. And although it was a busy night, I saw so many old faces that I had been missing so much. After it all was over and the clock hit ten I went home to crash on my bed and remember how much I really love School. I loved back to school night with everyone and I cant wait for class to start!