Every year around this time I wake up in a cold sweat and say okay, what are your goals this year? What are you going to do to further your dreams and create some more adventure? What can I do to make myself happy again? Not that I am not happy, but usually the holidays send a bit of sadness and a whole lot of anxiety my way. So with the big boom of the fireworks lighting up the sky I think of all the things I want to accomplish that year. Then I force them back down and tell myself its so stupid to write these things down, I just need to live my life. But as I said before I find myself days later waking up in a cold sweat, mind wandering across the universe, with a pad of paper and a pen shooting sparks out of the end as I write down everything on my mind.
But this year there was no cold sweat, no aching hands from frantically writing, no tear stained cheeks from realizing everything that went wrong the year before, nothing.
I realized that I already made my New Year's resolutions. That I already had a plan to improve my life and to create a better future for myself. I found myself being overwhelmingly proud of how far I had come in just a year. I am really pursuing my dreams and running at the chance to make something of myself. I cant tell you how ecstatic it makes me feel that I know where my life is going, well as of now. So my advice to everyone out there is to skip the wake up calls in the middle of the nights with the same questions that I ask myself every year.
Instead get up every day with the feeling like it is a new year, and your resolutions must be met. I believe that the key to success is pursue a dream like its the one thing that will make your resolutions come true.
Don't ever stop thinking that your life can be improved, spend every day making an effort to withstand the dumps that life puts us in, and create a memory for every moment you live.