Biolife Plasma Center is a place where you donate plasma in exchange for money.
I know it sounds like you are selling your body but really it is much more important than that.
Here are a few common questions about donating plasma
1. What is plasma?
- A: Plasma is the pale yellow liquid portion of your blood that can be easily replaced by the body. It consists mainly of water and proteins which help your body control bleeding and infection. Your blood is 57% plasma, with 90 % of plasma being water and 10% being electrolytes(salt) and proteins.
- A: Plasma is extracted from your central veins in your arm (veins around your inner elbow) and filtered through a special machine that separates your plasma from your white and red blood cells. It then places the plasma in a bag and filters your blood back into your veins along with an anti coagulant. It sounds more complicated than it really is, the machine does all of the work, all that you do is sit there and pump your fist (to enhance the blood flow) with a needle in your arm that is connected to a tube (sorta like an IV).
- A: Plasma is being used all around the world to help save lives. Currently plasma is being used to treat disorders such as hemophilia and immune system deficiencies. Plasma is also being used to make products that help treat diseases such as hepatitis B, Tetanus, Rabies, and Measles. Hospitals and emergency rooms use plasma to treat traumatic injuries such as shock an severe burns.
- You must be 18 years or older to donate plasma, weigh3. How is plasma used? at least 110 pounds and pass all other required donor eligibility criteria. You will undergo a series of important questions every time you enter the plasma center to be sure that you are a clean and safe donor, not only for the safety of those receiving your plasma, but for your safety as well.
- If you are severely afraid of needles, then yes it is going to hurt/bother you to donate plasma. But on a regular basis, donating plasma does not hurt as much as you would think. It is very simple have the needle placed in your arm and the professionals spend a lot of time perfecting their technique so that your "stick" will be as comfortable and painless as possible. After you are "stuck" it is virtual no pain at all!

- I get paid 20 bucks on my first visit of the week, and 35 on my second. It is a great way to earn an extra bit of cash and save a life in the process, it does take a good amount of time to donate plasma(around an hour and a half average), but it is worth it to you and to the person you are helping heal.
I donate plasma because I feel that I can help save a life, or benefit one in some way. Yes, I do get compensated for my efforts, but I know that what I am doing is for a good cause. No pain, no gain my mom always said. If you want this world to be a better place, it

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