Today I came home from one of the most exciting overnight trips of my life.
I went on a retreat to the Dixie State Cabin in Pine Valley with the Theatre Majors.
It was such a fun time to be with people that were interested in the same things as me.
I met so many new faces and gained a lot of new friends, which is what I have been praying for.
But the most memorable event from this trip was an exercise that we did this morning with the dean of students from Dixie state.
It was called crossing the line. The object was that every participant would stand on one side of the line and the facilitator (dean of students) would ask a question to the whole group; if your answer was yes you would step over the line and face the participants that had not stepped over then once the question was over you would return to your original space. He started out with simple questions, ones that most people would step over then line for like "if your a male step over the line" so on and so forth. But as the session went on he got down to some harder questions, ones you had to really be honest with yourself and have courage to step over the line, questions like "if you have ever been or know someone who was abused as a child, step over the line". This game made you think and feel for everyone in the room, it allowed you to trust yourself in giving an honest answer even if it was hard, and it allowed you to trust other people in the room with secrets that no one else in the world could know. The room was completely silent for over an hour, and after the exercise was done we spoke about how we felt and what we gained from experiencing it together. It left more than a few people crying, including myself, but we also walked away with a better understand of each other, and an appreciation for the people in the department.
Crossing the line felt like you were stripping away all protection of yourself to let people in, so that they could understand you. It shocked me how much love I felt after it was over from the people that I had just barely met. We were all going through problems in our lives, whether they had happened recently or they were thing that we had left years behind us. Either way, I didnt feel alone for once. I had came to this retreat scared and feeling more alone than I had in a really long time. My best friend moved away that very morning and I was looking for a way to cope with things that were causing me depression and anxiety, but what I found was so much more than just a replacement. It was a cure, that only came with trusting myself enough to let others in.
I just want to say thank you to everyone that was there. Thank you for trusting yourself enough to let us in and for allowing me to be someone that most people have never seen. I love this department more and more every second and I cant explain how much I am looking forward to this year with you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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