What a wonderful feeling it is to kneel down and talk with the Lord. When life is frustrating and hard I know that I can talk to my Father in Heaven and let him help me through the day. It been a hard thing for me to pray, and I know that I need to work on it, so today when I got really upset and needed to do something about it, I was glad for the feeling to kneel down and have a little chat. Now although I wont tell you exactly the conversation, I will tell you that it is refreshing to feel like you really got an answer. I hate feeling angry and frustrated with my life, its like a weight that tends to increase as I try to get rid of it by various jobs, such as cleaning or pacing around my room. I felt that after all my trying and trying I needed to give it over to the Lord. My uncle always tells me to "accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and to give the rest over to the Lord". I believe in that whole heartedly. I know that the Lord can help us with any challenge especially one that involves becoming more humble. I love the thought that Jesus Christ knows every kind of pain, frustration, anger, agony, and any other emotion I have felt, and has suffered for them with his life. If I can turn to anyone to know that I am not alone it has to be Him. I am grateful for this knowledge, and for the opportunity I have to kneel and pray to my Father in Heaven and ask for forgiveness. Thanks for listening to a bit of preaching. Try it sometime. :)
Megs, I love love love this. I have felt this way all day too, it's so relieving. <3