I feel like my life is never on a stand still. Oh how I wish it was sometimes, but then again I love to travel and I love the adventure! Yet again me and my dad are going up to Salt Lake City, on one of his random whimsical trips, I have no idea what I am going to do there, but hey I love the vacations. I know that this is my last summer to really get out there and do things, and let me tell you I have. I dont think I have been home for more than a week, or been sleep at my house consistently for more than a few days. I know that my parents hate it, and I think they really miss me, but they understand. Its my last summer, I want to live it up and have as much fun as possible. Next year Ill be out of the house for good, and into a new apartment and onto a new life. So this year I am living the zoom zoom life. Always going, never stopping, and making every second count. I love these trips with my dad to Salt Lake. We always listen to music, talk about life, talk about the past, make each other laugh, and just enjoy each others company. I have realized that I am really going to miss my dad when I leave to go to college. I cant handle one week without him, I have no idea how I am going to handle a whole year!! Anyways this was just a little bit of ranting, I was just fascinated with the fact that I travel oh so much, I hope to continue that quality about me for the rest of my life!!
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