Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Just a little love

I have come to realize that a lot of men look at a girls pant size before they look at her heart. When your standing at a size 13, some boys think you have too much to "offer". But I am here to say that my size doesn't make me any less attractive. I take care of myself and doll myself up almost every day. And my heart is as good as gold. If I love you I'll let you know it and I'll make sure you feel it. But I will never get that chance if someone can't look passed my exterior weight to my interior abundance of love.
I am willing to fight for what I believe in and I believe that a bigger woman is just as beautiful in her size 13 than a smaller woman is in her size 2. But a man needs to believe that there is more to life than a trophy wife. Because I have a brain and I am independent I get pushed under the rug like I can handle life on my own. But who wants to handle life on there own? Who wants to be on top when there is no one standing beside her?
I'm ready for a relationship. Or someone who can love me for me. Because in never gonna stop being independent and smart, and I'm never gonna loose the weight just so you can say I'm beautiful.