Monday, July 2, 2012


I started to feel myself slip into depression again. Staying up late, crying myself to sleep. Dreaming of hurtful things. I hate when I get to this stage, because a no one ever notices and b no one really cares. I feel the weight of life breathing down my neck begging for me to just give up. I know I need therapy but I can't bring myself to let anyone in on the secrets that I hold. I tried to go back to church, but that only made me feel more like a failure. My life is going no where and I think that if I stay in one place any longer I'm gonna be stuck for the rest of my life. I need help. But what do you say? "I really don't have any problems, but I'll complain about my life anyways". I feel pathetic an weak and I wish I could be stronger than this.

1 comment:

  1. Meagan, there's nothing wrong with asking for help. My first few months of college were awful because of depression, but I got on some medication and it's so much more manageable now. I'm always, always here if you want/need to talk. I love you, and I miss you. I know the Lord does too, and for what it's worth, He doesn't think you're a failure. <3
